Tuesday, April 30, 2013

JavaScript Frustrations and Solutions

Since there's no better way to learn than by doing, I've been teaching myself JavaScript by writing a structured binary data fuzzer. The fuzzer currently generates Windows ICO files, and will soon be released. In the meantime, I wanted to describe some frustrating experiences learning JavaScript and include solutions to them.

Object Orientation in JS is Confusing 

Some of this may be because I am used to class-ical inheritance, but considering the number of JavaScript OOP libraries (e.g. oolib, dejavuKlass, selfish), I'm not alone.

The first confusing thing is that objects are functions declared via the function keyword and instantiated via the new operator. The overloaded use of function doesn't let you know right away if the code you are reading is an object a traditional function. The use of the new operator gives a false impression of class-ical inheritance and has other deficiencies. For instance, until the introduction of Object.create it was impossible to validate arguments to an object's constructor. The deficiency is shown in the following example.

In this motivating example, we want to create an object to encapsulate integers and validate certain properties in the object's constructor. The initial code could look something like this:

function Int(arg) {
    console.log("Int constructor");
    this.name = arg['name'];
    if(this.name === undefined)
        alert('a name is required!');
    this.size = arg['size'];
Int.prototype.getName = function() {
    console.log("Int: " + this.name);
var i = new Int({'name': 'generic int'});

Running this code would print:

Int constructor
Int: generic int

But now lets say I want to write something to deal specifically with 4-byte integers. The initial code to inherit from the Int object would look similar to the following:

function Int4(arg) {
    arg['size'] = 4;
    Int.call(this, arg);
    console.log("Int4 constructor");
Int4.prototype = new Int({});
Int4.prototype.constructor = Int4;
Int4.prototype.getName = function() {
    console.log("Int4: " + this.name);
var i4 = new Int4({'name': '4-byte int'});

This code will alert with 'a name is required'! To set Int4's prototype chain we need to create a new Int object. Arguments to the constructor cannot be validated since they are not known when new Int({}) is called. Luckily this has been fixed by use of Object.create:

function Int4(arg) {
    arg['size'] = 4;
    Int.call(this, arg);
    console.log("Int4 constructor");
Int4.prototype = Object.create(Int.prototype);
Int4.prototype.constructor = Int4;
Int4.prototype.getName = function() {
    console.log("Int4: " + this.name);
var i4 = new Int4({'name': '4-byte int'});

All Functions are Function Objects and all Objects are Associative Arrays.

All functions are actually Function objects, all objects are associative arrays. There are also Arrays, which are not functions and but are also associative and also objects. Sometimes you want Arrays to be arrays, and sometimes you actually want Objects to be arrays. Confused yet?

Scoping Rules and Variable Definition Rules that Lead to Subtle Bugs

Scoping rules are a bit confusing, since there is at least three ways to declare variables: assignment, var, and let. Of course, all of these have different semantics. The biggest problem for me was that creating a variable by assignment adds it to the global scope, but using var will keep it in function scope. And when using identically named variables, a missing var in one function will make that function use the global variable instead of the local. Using the wrong variable will lead to lots of frustrating errors.

The solution is to always "use strict" to force variable definitions. Of course, doing this globally will break some existing libraries you are using. Such is life.

Type Coercion With the Equality Operator (==)

Its amazing what is considered equal in JavaScript via ==. Instead of restating all these absurdities, I'll just link to someone else who has:

When I started my project, I didn't realize that the Strict Equality (===) existed. It should be used anywhere you would expect == to work. It seems more sane to have == be Strict Equality, and another Coercive Equality operator (something like ~= or ~~), but what is done is done.

Problems Modularizing and Importing Code

C/C++ has #include, Python has import, JavaScript has... terrible hacks. There is sadly no standard way to import new code in a .js file, making modularization of your code difficult. I resorted to simply including prerequisite scripts in the HTML where they will be used, but I wish there was a way to include JavaScript from JavaScript.

Browser Compatibility Issues

Not all browsers have Object.create. Not all browsers have console.log in all situations. Not all browsers support "use strict". Turns out every browser is slightly different in a way that will subtly break your code, but of course the main culprit is usually IE.